
更新日期:2023   12  15

生效日期:2023   12  15




































为了保障向您提供的服务的安全稳定运行,识别账号异常状态,我们可能会收集与您移动设备相关的如下信息:设备信息、位置信息。您下载或使用APP及服务时,我们可能会读取与您移动设备相关的信息,包括硬件型号、设备类型、其他唯一设备标识符、操作系统版本、SN个人信息及硬件相关信息,用于访问服务的限制和统一推送服务。在您使用我们的服务,或访问APP相关的网站时,我们自动接收并记录的您的浏览器和计算机上的信息,包括(a)浏览器的操作日志;(b) APP操作日志。您下载或使用APP,我们可能会读取与您位置相关的各类信息,如设备的GPS信号或附近的Wi-Fi接入点和手机信号发射塔的相关信息、国家代码、城市代码、小区标识、经纬度信息和语言设置,这些信息可能会在您使用以上服务时传送给我们, 您可以选择不提供某些类型的信息,但这样可能会导致(1)您将无法使用APP的某些功能;(2)您只能通过设备本身来操作设备,而无法再通过APP执行操作。

































3. 为了更好地向您提供我们的服务,我们可能需要在公司内部的不同系统之间共享您的部分个人信息,以提高工作效率、避免您重复填报。例如,如果您在我们的A系统中已经注册并提交了个人信息,当您在我们的B系统中再次注册时,B系统可能会自动调用A系统中的部分登记信息(如姓名、电话等)。这些被调用的个人信息仍将在我们公司内部使用且严格遵守其对应的收集目的,不会向外部第三方公开。您在我们的任一系统中提交个人信息,即表示您已同意上述个人信息在本公司各系统之间共享的行为。



Cookie 和同类技术是互联网中普遍使用的技术。当您使用我们提供的相关服务时,我们可能会使用相关技术向您的设备发送一个或多个 Cookie 或匿名标识符,以收集和存储您访问、使用我们服务时的信息。我们承诺,不会将 Cookie 用于本指引所述目的之外的任何其他用途。我们使用 Cookie 和同类技术主要为了实现以下功能或服务:


我们可能会设置认证与保障安全性的 Cookie 或匿名标识符,使我们确认您是否安全登录服务,或者是否遇到盗用、欺诈及其他不法行为。这些技术还会帮助我们改进服务效率,提升登录和响应速度。








同时,我们会对SDK或其他类似的应用程序进行严格的安全检测,并要求合作伙伴采取严格的措施来保护您的个人数据。在满足新的服务需求及业务功能变更时,我们可能会调整我们接入的第三方 SDK ,并及时在本说明中向您公开说明接入第三方 SDK 的最新情况。请注意,第三方SDK可能因为版本升级、策略调整等原因导致数据类型存在一些变化,请以其公示的官方说明为准。



a) 合法原则:涉及数据处理活动的,应当遵守合法原则。

b) 正当与最小必要原则:数据使用必须具有正当目的,且应以达成目的必要为限。

c) 安全审慎原则: 我们将审慎评估合作方使用数据的目的,对这些合作方的安全保障能力进行综合评估,并要求其遵循合作法律协议。我们会对合作方获取信息的软件工具开发包(SDK)、应用程序接口(API)进行严格的安全监测,以保护数据安全。

目前本应用接入的第三方 SDK 如下:




收集个人信息的目的: [oppo用户提供的消息推送服务]

收集个人信息类型: [设备相关信息(如IMEIOAIDSerial NumberIMSIUser IDAndroid IDGoogle Advertising ID, 手机Region设置,设备型号,手机电量,手机操作系统版本及语言)、使用推送服务的应用信息(如APP包名及版本号,运行状态)、推送SDK版本号、网络相关信息(如IP或域名连接结果,当前网络类型)、消息发送结果、通知栏状态(如通知栏权限、用户点击行为),锁屏状态(如是否锁屏,是否允许锁屏通知)、获取安装列表]






收集个人信息的目的: [vivo用户提供的消息推送服务]

收集个人信息类型: [1.为将应用开发者提供的相关信息推送到您的设备终端,会收集您的设备标识信息(如IMEIEmmCIDUFSIDANDROIDIDGUIDGAIDOPENIDVAIDOAIDRegID、加密的Android ID)、使用推送服务的应用软件信息(如应用包名、版本号、APPID、安装、卸载、恢复出厂设置、运行状态)、设备制造商、网络类型、国家码、设备类型。2。为向您提供推送服务,将收集消息创建、送达和点击的时间戳,并暂存从第三方应用处获得并推送给您的消息内容。3.为针对您的设备和系统等向您推送和展示消息,会收集您的推送SDK版本号、设备型号、操作系统版本、当前网络类型、消息发送结果、通知栏状态(如通知栏权限、用户点击行为)、锁屏状态(如是否锁屏,是否允许锁屏通知)。4.对于从您的各种设备上收集到的信息,可能会将它们进行关联,以便能在这些设备上为您提供一致的服务。此部分信息用于分析和开发产品或服务的使用相关的统计信息,以更好地改进产品或服务,如折叠消息算法的优化等。]






收集个人信息的目的: [向小米用户提供的消息推送服务]

收集个人信息类型: [1.为将第三方应用提供的相关的信息及时推送到您的设备终端,如您接入的是安卓版,会收集您的设备标识OAID和加密的Android ID,以及使用推送服务的应用信息如应用包名、版本号和运行状态、获取安装列表;如您接入的是iOS版,会收集IDFV(当收集不到IDFV时则不收集)、应用包名、版本号。2.为向您提供推送服务,如您接入的是安卓版,发送关于软件更新或新品发布(包括营销信息)的通知、评估广告效果等目的,收集消息创建、送达和点击时间并暂存从第三方应用处获得并推送给您的消息内容;如您接入的是iOS版,发送关于软件更新或新品发布(包括营销信息)的通知、评估广告效果等目的,收集消息创建、送达时间,并暂存从第三方应用处获得并推送给您的消息内容。3.为针对您的设备和系统等向您推送和展示消息,如您接入的是安卓版,还会收集设备相关信息如设备厂商、设备型号、设备内存、操作系统版本、小米推送SDK版本、设备归属地(国家或地区)、SIM卡运营商名称、当前网络类型。其中当前网络类型、SIM卡运营商名称仅在设备本地读取,不会上传至小米服务器;如您接入的是iOS版,还会收集设备相关信息如设备型号、操作系统版本、小米推送SDK版本。4.您可以通过更改通知栏设置来改变您接收推送消息的方式,为根据您的设置为您提供推送服务,如您接入的是安卓版,会收集您的通知栏设置信息,包括是否屏蔽通知栏、是否设置锁屏弹出消息等。5.对于从您的各种设备上收集到的信息,可能会将它们进行关联,以便能在这些设备上为您提供一致的服务。此部分信息用于分析和开发与产品或服务的使用相关的统计信息,以更好地改进产品或服务。]






收集个人信息的目的: [向华为用户提供的消息推送服务]

收集个人信息类型: [应用基本信息、应用内设备标识符、设备的硬件信息、系统基本信息和系统设置信息]

信息收集方式:[AGCREST API推送方式]





收集个人信息的目的: [用于记录用户操作日志的位置信息]

收集个人信息类型: [设备信息,包括设备属性信息(硬件型号、广告标识符IDFA、供应商标识符IDFV、匿名设备标识符OAIDAndroid ID)、设备参数及系统信息(操作系统版本及系统情况、设备配置)、设备连接信息(浏览器的类型、电信运营商、使用的语言、WIFI信息、SSIDBSSID)、位置信息、日志信息及其他与登录环境相关的信息。仅当用户行为触发风控条件时(频繁输入密码错误、频繁异地登录、频繁切换IP、风险IP、风险设备、风险账号、异常操作),我们才会访问您的终端已安装应用列表,并仅上传非常见App的包名信息,我们不会上传微信、微博等常见App信息,也不会上传App安装时间等其他信息]























(3) 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;

(4) 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;

(5) 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;

(6) 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的;

(7) 您自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;

(8) 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。

(9) 根据个人信息主体要求签订和履行合同所必需的;

(10) 用于维护所提供的产品或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置产品或服务的故障;

(11) 法律法规规定的其他情形。



















按照中国相关的法律、法规、标准,以及其他国家、地区的通行做法,我们保障您对 自己的个人信息行使以下权利:




















































   为确保掌上默宝处于关闭或后台运行状态用户可正常接收到客户端推送的消息, 掌上默宝须使用自启动能力,即以一定频率通过系统发送广播唤醒本应用自启动或采取关联启动行为。此为掌上默宝实现服务的必要功能。②当您打开内容类推送消息,在征得您的明确同意后, 掌上默宝会跳转打开相关内容;在未征得您同意的情况下,则不会有自启动或关联启动。












a) 你是未满18周岁的未成年人,在使用相关服务前,应在你的父母或其他监护人监护、指导下共同阅读并同意本隐私政策。

b) 你是未满14周岁的未成年人的监护人,在使用相关服务前,应为你的被监护人阅读并同意本隐私政策。



























a.你可以在注册登录页面,或者登录账号后在【设置】-【关于】- 【隐私政策】页面查看本隐私政策。











a) 电子邮件:[jinsulei@inovance.com]

b) 客服电话:[18606278339]
























Monarch Privacy Policy

Updated: December    15, 2023

Effective Date: December    15, 2023


To effectively protect users' personal information and optimize user experience, Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we", “us" or “our") formulates this privacy policy in accordance with current laws and policies. We understand the importance of personal information to our customers, and we strive to clearly state our policies and practices for acquiring, managing, and protecting users' personal information.

In addition to this Privacy Policy, in certain scenarios, we will also explain to you the purpose, scope and use of the corresponding information collection through instant notification (including pop-up windows, page prompts, etc.), function update instructions, etc., which form part of this Privacy Policy and have the same effect as this Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy will help you understand the following:

1. How we collect your personal information

2. How we use your personal information

3. Use of Cookie Technology

4. Use of third-party SDKs

5. How we entrust the processing, sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of your personal information

6. General storage period

7. How we ensure the security of your information

VIII. Your Rights

9. How we process children's personal information

10. Where your personal information is stored and when it leaves the country

11. Scope of non-application of this Privacy Policy

12. How this Privacy Policy is Updated

13. Notice of Review and Update of Privacy Policy

14. Contact Us

XV. Miscellaneous


This Privacy Policy applies to devices, websites or applications that reference or link to this Privacy Policy (collectively, our “Services"), i.e., Monarch. While this Privacy Policy applies to all these services, we also have certain explicit supplemental terms for the protection of personal information for specific services, which contain additional information about how we process information. When using the relevant services, you shall comply with these supplemental terms.

We are aware of the importance of your personal information and will do our best to protect your personal information safe and secure. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us and abiding by the following principles to protect your personal information: the principle of consistency of rights and responsibilities, the principle of clear purpose, the principle of opt-in consent, the principle of minimum necessity, the principle of ensuring security, the principle of subject participation, the principle of openness and transparency, etc. At the same time, we promise that we will take corresponding security protection measures to protect your personal information in accordance with mature security standards in the industry.

It is important that you read this Privacy Policy carefully, especially the exclusion/limitation of liability clauses and the terms marked in bold, as your use of our Services constitutes your agreement to the practices described in the Privacy Policy and Supplements. If you do not agree to the practices described in this Privacy Policy, you may not use our Services.


1. How we collect your personal information

To provide you with our services and comply with national laws, regulations, policies and relevant regulatory requirements, we will require you to provide personal information necessary for our services. If you do not provide relevant personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services. “Personal Information" refers to all kinds of information recorded electronically or otherwise that can identify a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person, either alone or in combination with other information. The following are some of the main purposes for which we collect personal information:


1. Register and log in to your account

Some services will require you to provide us with information directly, such as logging in, changing your mobile phone number, changing your password, nickname, and profile picture. Account information is collected to help your complete registration and use basic functions, and to protect the security of your account. The collection and use of mobile phone numbers is to meet the real identity information authentication requirements of relevant laws and regulations. The following information is necessary for the realization of the various services and functions we provide, if you do not provide such information, you will not be able to use our services normally.

(1) Login: When you log in to APP, you are required to enter your domain name, username, and password.

(2) Modify mobile phone number: When you need to modify your mobile phone number, you need to provide an 11-digit valid mobile phone number in the APP.

(3) Change password: When you change your password, you need to enter the old password and the new password.


2. Provide security guarantees

To ensure the safe and stable operation of the services provided to you and identify the abnormal status of your account, we may collect the following information related to your mobile device: device information and location information. When you download or use the APP and the Services, we may read the information related to your mobile device, including the hardware model, device type, other unique device identifiers, operating system version, SN Personal Information and hardware-related information, for the purpose of restricting access to the Services and Unified Push Services.  When you use our services or visit APP-related websites, we automatically receive and record information on your browser and computer, including (a) browser operation logs, and (b) APP operation logs.  When you download or use the APP, we may read various types of information related to your location, such as the GPS signal of your device or information about nearby Wi-Fi access points and cell towers, country code, city code, community identification, latitude and longitude information, and language settings, which may be transmitted to us when you use the above services You may choose not to provide certain types of information, but if you do so, (1) you will not be able to use certain features of the App, and (2) you will only be able to operate the Device through the Device itself, and you will no longer be able to perform operations through the App.


3.To improve the Service

We may use the information we collect through one of our services to improve the user experience by evaluating and analyzing the market, customers, products, and services (including asking you for your opinion about our products and services and conducting customer surveys). We may combine personal information from one service with information from other services to improve the service and develop new products and services. We may use data from certain opt-in features, such as the User Experience Program, to analyze how users use the devices and services and to improve the user experience. In addition, we will record information about your clicks on relevant advertisements/push content, information you provide when you contact our customer service team, and information you send to us when you participate in surveys, to help us improve existing services or design new ones.  You understand and agree that after collecting your information, we will de-identify the data through technical means, and the de-identified information will not be able to identify you, in which case we have the right to use the de-identified information to analyze the user database and make commercial use of it.


4.Get in touch with you

The user feedback you choose to provide is invaluable to help us improve our services. To track the feedback, you choose to provide, we may use the account information you provide to contact you and keep records. At the same time, we may use your account information from time to time to send important notices, such as important device information and business-related information.


5.Mandatory Collection

In accordance with relevant laws, regulations, policies, and national standards, we may collect and use your personal information without your consent under the following circumstances:

(1) Directly related to national security and national defense security.

(2) Directly related to public safety, public health, or major public interests.

(3) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments.

(4) For the purpose of protecting your life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your consent.

(5) The personal information collected is disclosed to the public by yourself.

(6) Collecting personal information from legally and publicly disclosed information, such as: legitimate news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

(7) It is necessary to conclude and perform the user agreement according to your requirements.

(8) Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the services we provide, such as: discovering and disposing of service failures.

(9) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.


6.Other services are available

Please note that the above scenarios only cover the main ways in which we collect and use personal information. From time to time, we may update the website page, APP version or device firmware to provide users with more diversified services. When we want to use the information for in other purposes not specified in this Policy, or when we want to use the information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will ask for your consent again in the form of confirmation agreement, confirmation behavior in specific scenarios, and updating this Privacy Policy.

In addition, the third-party entity may provide services to you through SDK, and when you enter the service page operated by the third-party entity, please note that the relevant services are provided to you by the third-party entity. If a third-party entity collects personal information from you, it is recommended that you carefully review the privacy policy or agreement of the third-party entity and decide whether to accept it for yourself.


2. How we use your personal information

1. To comply with national laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements, provide you with services and improve service quality, or protect the safety of your account and funds, we will use your information in the following circumstances:

(1) To achieve the purposes described in "How We Collect Your Personal Information" in this policy.

(2) In order to ensure the stability and security of the service, we will use your information for identity verification, security precautions, prevention or prohibition of illegal activities, risk reduction, archiving and backup purposes.

(3) Report to relevant departments in accordance with laws, regulations, or regulatory requirements.

(4) to invite you to participate in customer research related to our services.


2. When we want to use your personal information for in other purposes not specified in this Policy, we will obtain your consent again in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations, and national standards in the form of confirmation agreements, copywriting confirmation actions in specific scenarios, etc.


3. To better provide you with our services, we may need to share some of your personal information between different systems within the company to improve work efficiency and avoid you from filling in the information repeatedly. For example, if you have already registered and submitted personal information in our system A, when you register again in our system B, system B may automatically call up some of the registration information (such as name, phone number, etc.) in system A. The personal information that is collected will continue to be used within our company and will not be disclosed to external third parties in accordance with the purpose for which it was collected. By submitting personal information to one of our systems, you agree to the sharing of personal information between our systems.


3. Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

Cookies and similar technologies are commonly used on the Internet. When you use the relevant services provided by us, we may use relevant technologies to send one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store information when you visit and use our services. We promise not to use cookies for any purpose other than those described in this guideline. We use cookies and similar technologies primarily to enable the following functions or services:

1. Ensure the safe and efficient operation of products and services

We may set authentication and security cookies or anonymous identifiers that allow us to confirm that you are logging in securely or that you have not experienced theft, fraud, or other illegal activity. These technologies also help us improve service efficiency, login, and responsiveness.

2. Help you have an easier access experience

Using these technologies can help you avoid having to repeat the steps and processes of filling out your personal information and entering your searches (examples: record searches, form filling).

3.Clearanceof Cookie

Most browsers provide users with the ability to clear browser cache data, and you can do so in your browser settings. If you do so, you may not be able to use the services or functions that rely on cookies because of these modifications.


4. Use of third-party SDKs

Please note that your counterparty, the operator of the third-party website you visit, the third-party services accessed through us and us The third parties to whom your personal information receives may have their own privacy policies, and when you view web pages created by third parties or use applications developed by third parties, these third parties may place their own cookies or web beacons, which are not under our control and their use is not governed by this policy. We will endeavor to require these entities to take protective measures to protect your personal information and we encourage you to contact them for details of their privacy policies. If you find that these web pages created by third parties or applications developed by third parties are at risk, it is recommended that you terminate the relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

At the same time, we will conduct strict security testing on SDKs or other similar applications and require partners to take strict measures to protect your personal data. When meeting new service requirements and changes in business functions, we may adjust the third-party SDKs we have accessed, and promptly disclose to you the latest status of the third-party SDKs in this note. Please note that the data types of third-party SDKs may change due to version upgrades, policy adjustments, etc., please refer to the official instructions published by the third-party SDKs.

1. Basic principles involving partners in the use of data

In the process of cooperation with partners, we will abide by the following principles:

a) The principle of legality: Where data processing activities are involved, the principle of legality shall be observed.

b) The principle of legitimacy and minimum necessity: The use of data must have a legitimate purpose and should be limited to what is necessary to achieve the purpose.

c) Principle of security prudence: We will carefully assess the purpose of our partners' use of data, conduct a comprehensive assessment of the security and security capabilities of these partners, and require them to comply with the cooperation legal agreement. We will strictly monitor the security of the software tool development kit (SDK) and application programming interface (API) of the partner to obtain information to protect data security.

Currently, the third-party SDKs connected to this application are as follows:


Third-party SDK name: [OPPO PUSH].

Provided by: [Guangdong HeyTap Technology Co., Ltd.].

Purpose of collecting personal information: [Message push service provided to OPPO users].

Types of personal information collected: [Device-related information (e.g., IMEI or OAID, Serial Number, IMSI, User ID, Android ID, Google Advertising ID, Phone Region Settings, Device Model, Phone Battery, Phone OS Version and Language), Use the push service to provide application information (such as the app package name and version number, running status), the version number of the push SDK, network-related information (such as IP address or domain connection results, current network type), message sending results, notification bar status (such as notification bar permissions, user click behavior), lock screen status (such as whether the screen is locked, whether lock screen notifications are allowed), and obtain the installation list].

Information collection method: [Web platform and API push method].

Third-party SDK privacy policy or development guide: [https://open.oppomobile.com/new/developmentDoc/info?id=10288].


Third-party SDK name: [Vpush]

Provided by: [Vivo Mobile Communications Co., Ltd].

Purpose of collecting personal information: [Message push service provided to vivo users].

Types of Personal Information Collected: [1.] To push the relevant information provided by the application developer to your device terminal, your device identification information (such as IMEI, EmmCID, UFSID, ANDROIDID, GUID, GAID, OPENID, VAID, OAID, RegID, encrypted Android ID) and application software information (such as application package name, version number, APPID, installation, uninstallation, factory reset, and running status) will be collected. Device manufacturer, network type, country code, device type. 2To provide you with the push service, timestamps of message creation, delivery, and clicks will be collected, and the content of the message obtained from the third-party application and pushed to you will be staged. 3.To push and display messages to you on your device and system, we will collect your push SDK version number, device model, operating system version, current network type, message sending result, notification bar status (such as notification bar permissions, user click behavior), and lock screen status (such as whether the screen is locked and whether lock screen notifications are allowed). 4.Information collected from your various devices may be linked so that we can provide you with a consistent service across those devices. This part of the information is used to analyze and develop statistical information related to the use of products or services, to better improve products or services, such as the optimization of folding message algorithms.]

Information collection method: [web platform and API two operation push methods].

Third-party SDK privacy policy or development guide: [https://dev.vivo.com.cn/documentCenter/doc/652].


Third-party SDK name: MiPush

Provided by: [Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd., and its affiliates].

Purpose of collecting personal information: [Message push service provided to Xiaomi users].

Types of personal information collected: [1. In order to push the relevant information provided by third-party applications to your device terminal in a timely manner, if you are connected to the Android version, your device identification OAID and encrypted Android ID will be collected, as well as the application information that uses the push service, such as the application package name, version number and running status, Obtain the installation list, if you are connected to the iOS version, the IDFV (if the IDFV is not collected), the application package name, and the version number will be collected. 2. In order to provide you with push services, if you are connected to the Android version, for the purpose of sending notifications about software updates or new product releases (including marketing information), evaluating the effect of advertising, etc., collecting the time of message creation, delivery and clicking, and temporarily storing the message content obtained from third-party applications and pushing to you; delivery time, and staging the content of messages obtained from third-party apps and pushed to you. 3. To push and display messages to you on your device and system, if you are connected to the Android version, we will also collect device-related information, such as device manufacturer, device model, device memory, operating system version, Xiaomi push SDK version, device home (country or region), SIM card operator name, and current network type. If you are connected to the iOS version, device-related information such as device model, operating system version, and Mi Push SDK version will also be collected. 4. You can change the way you receive push messages by changing the notification bar settings and provide you with push services according to your settings, if you are connected to the Android version, your notification bar settings information will be collected, including whether to block the notification bar, whether to set up lock screen pop-up messages, etc. 5. Information collected from your various devices may be linked so that we can provide you with consistent services across those devices. This information is used to analyze and develop statistics related to the use of products or services to better improve products or services.]

Information collection method: [operation platform and API push method].

Third-party SDK privacy policy or development guide: [https://dev.mi.com/distribute/doc/details?pId=1534].



Provider: [Huawei Software Technologies Co., Ltd.].

Purpose of collecting personal information: [Message push service provided to users of China].

Types of personal information collected: [basic app information, in-app device identifiers, hardware information of the device, basic system information, and system setup information].

Information collection method: [AGC and REST API push method].



第三方SDK:[Baidu Positioning]

Provider: [Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd.].

Purpose of collecting personal information: [location information used to record user operation logs].

Types of personal information collected: [Device information, including device attribute information (hardware model, advertising identifier IDFA, supplier trademark identifier IDFV, anonymous device identifier OAID, Android ID), device parameters and system information (operating system version and system situation, device configuration), device connection information (browser type, telecommunications operator, language used, WIFI information, SSID, BSSID)] Location information, log information, and other information related to the login environment. Only when user behavior triggers risk control conditions (frequent password errors, frequent remote logins, frequent IP switching, risky IPs, risky devices, risky accounts, abnormal operations), we will access your terminal's installed application list and only upload package name information for uncommon apps. We will not upload common app information such as WeChat and Weibo, nor other information such as app installation time].

Information collection method: [Baidu Map Positioning Service].



5. How we entrust the processing, sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of your personal information

1. Consignment processing

To improve the efficiency of information processing, reduce the cost of information processing, or improve the accuracy of information processing, we may entrust our affiliates or other professional organizations with the ability to process information on our behalf. We will require the entrusted company to comply with strict confidentiality obligations and take effective confidentiality measures through written agreements, on-site audits, etc., and prohibit them from using such information for purposes not authorized by you. If the consignment relationship is terminated, the consignee will no longer store your personal information. We are committed to being accountable for this.

2. Sharing

We will not share your information with third parties without your consent. However, we may share your information with the following third parties:

(1) In order to protect the personal and property safety of us, other users or the public from infringement, your personal information may be shared among the affiliates of Inovance Group. We will only share necessary personal information, and if we share your sensitive personal information or our affiliates change the use and processing purpose of personal information, we will ask for your authorization and consent again.

(2) Authorized Partners. Some products or services may be provided by or jointly provided by third parties, so only by sharing your information can we provide the products or services you need. We may share your account information and device information with authorized partners to ensure the smooth completion of the services provided to you. However, we will only share your personal information for legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes, and will only share the personal information necessary to provide services. Our partners are not authorized to use the shared personal information for any other purpose. Currently, our authorized partners include the following types:

a. Authorized Partners of the Analytics Services Category.

b. Vendors, Service Providers, and Other Partners. Our suppliers and service providers include institutions and financial institutions that provide technical services, telecommunications services, customer services, risk control services, audit services, and legal services.

We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations, and individuals with whom we share personal information, and will require them to process personal information in an appropriate manner in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. In the use of sensitive personal data, we require third parties to adopt encryption technology to better protect user data. Once it is found that it violates the agreement, effective measures will be taken and even the cooperation will be terminated.

3. Assignment

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except in the following circumstances:

(1) Obtain your consent in advance.

(2) in accordance with laws and regulations or mandatory administrative or judicial requirements.

(3) In the event of asset transfer, acquisition, merger, reorganization, or bankruptcy liquidation, if the transfer of personal information is involved, we will inform you of the relevant circumstances and require the company or organization receiving your personal information to continue to be bound by this Policy. If it is necessary to change the purpose of use of personal information, we will ask the company or organization to obtain your explicit consent again.

4. Public Disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

(1) After obtaining your explicit consent.

(2) Disclosure based on law: We will publicly disclose your personal information based on mandatory requirements of laws and regulations, court orders or requests from government authorities.

(3) Directly related to national security and national defense security.

(4) Directly related to public safety, public health, or major public interests.

(5) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments.

(6) For the purpose of protecting the life, property and other major legal rights and interests of you or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.

(7) Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own.

(8) Personal information is collected from lawfully and publicly disclosed information, such as lawful news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels.

(9) Where it is necessary to conclude and perform a contract at the request of the Personal Data Subject.

(10) It is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as discovering and disposing of faults in products or services.

(11) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

According to the law, the sharing or transfer of de-identified personal information and ensuring that the data recipient cannot recover and re-identify the personal information subject is not an act of external sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information, and the storage and processing of such data will not require further notice to you and your consent.


6. General storage period

Unless otherwise expressly required by law or with your permission, we will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. To maintain the continuity of the service and the consistency of the user experience, personal information is generally not deleted immediately after the completion of the individual service.

We will continue to store your personal information for you during your use of our products and services. If you cancel your account or voluntarily delete the above information, we will store your information in accordance with the Cybersecurity Law and other laws and regulations. After you cancel your account or actively delete the above information, we will no longer use your personal information commercially, but we may use your personal information after anonymization.

If you cancel your account, voluntarily delete your personal information, or the information exceeds the necessary retention period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, except in the following circumstances:

• Comply with the requirements of laws and regulations on information retention (e.g., the E-Commerce Law stipulates that the retention time of goods and services information and transaction information shall not be less than three years from the date of completion of the transaction).

• It is necessary to extend the time limit reasonably for financial, auditing, dispute resolution and other purposes.


7. How we ensure the security of your information

1. Technical measures for data security

We have used industry-standard security measures to protect the personal information you provide from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss. We will take all reasonable and practicable measures to protect your personal information. For example, in your browser with the "Service" The exchange of data (such as credit card information) between them is protected by SSL encryption, we also provide https secure browsing method for some websites, we will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data, we use md5 encryption mechanism to hash user passwords, we will use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on data, we will deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information, and in order to ensure the security of your information, we strive to take all reasonable physical, Electronic and managerial security measures to protect your information from leakage, damage or loss, including but not limited to SSL, encrypted information storage, and access control to data centers.

We manage and regulate the storage and use of personal information by establishing data security management specifications and data security development specifications. We will hold security and personal information protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information. We have also taken strict measures to manage the employees, outsourced personnel and supplier partners who may have access to your information, including but not limited to taking different permission controls according to different positions, signing confidentiality agreements and data processing agreements with them, and monitoring their operations. We will provide appropriate security measures to protect your information in accordance with the existing technology, provide reasonable security guarantees, and we will do our best to prevent your information from being leaked, damaged, or lost.

2. The Internet environment is not 100% secure, and we will do our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send to us. If our physical, technical, or management protection facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of information, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will formulate an emergency plan for network security incidents, promptly deal with security risks such as system vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks, and network intrusions.

3. In the event of a personal information security incident, we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take to deal with it, suggestions for you to prevent and reduce risks on your own, and remedial measures for you. We will keep you informed of the incident.

4. Your account has security protection functions, please keep your account and password information properly. At the same time, to protect the security of your information, please make sure to log out of your account and delete the pairing website or app before permanently selling or transferring your device access to a third party to ensure that your device is no longer (re)matched to your account. If you sold a device, you should reset the device and do a factory reset. This way, your device will no longer be linked to your account. If you have purchased a second-hand device, please check the account settings in the app or the device vendor to make sure that no unknown users are associated with your device. If you still have any doubts, you can choose to do a factory reset. We will ensure that your information is not lost, misused, and altered through backup and encryption security measures for user passwords. Notwithstanding the foregoing security measures, please understand that there is no such thing as "perfect security measures" on information networks.


8. Your Rights

In accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, and standards of China, as well as the common practices of other countries and regions, we protect you to exercise the following rights with respect to your personal information:

1. Access to your personal information

You have the right to access your personal information. If you would like to exercise your right to access your data, you can do so on your own in the following ways. Account Information: If you wish to access or edit your profile information in your account, change your password, change your mobile phone number, or cancel your account, you can do so by visiting the settings page after logging into your account. Log in to the APP and enter the [Settings] page in the lower right corner to access your account name and mobile phone number.

2. Correction of your personal information

When you discover an error in the personal information we process about you, you have the right to correct it yourself or ask us to correct it. For account information, you can do so by logging into your account by visiting the settings page. For other personal information, please contact us using the contact information set out in Section 14 of this Privacy Policy.

3. Delete your personal information

You may request us to delete your personal information under the following circumstances:

(1) If our processing of personal information violates laws and regulations.

(2) If we collect and use your personal information without your consent.

(3) if our processing of personal information violates the agreement with you.

(4) If you cancel your account.

(5) If we no longer provide you with products and services.

When you delete information from our Services, we may not immediately delete the information in our backup systems, but we will delete it when the backup is updated. After you cancel your account or actively delete the above information, we will no longer use your personal information commercially, but we may use your personal information after anonymization.

4. Change the scope of your authorization and consent

You may withdraw your consent to us collecting, using and/or disclosing your personal information in our possession or control by submitting a request. You can contact us through the contact information listed in Section 14. We will process your request within a reasonable time after your request is made and, upon your request, will no longer collect, use and/or disclose your personal information thereafter. Please note that since each business scenario requires some basic personal information to be completed, your withdrawal of consent may result in the unavailability of some services.

You can revoke your authorization to obtain your personal information or turn off the corresponding permissions (including location, photos, microphone, camera, notifications, etc., see the figure below for details) through the settings function of your mobile device. After you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of personal information previously carried out based on your authorization.


Device permissions

Invoke permission purposes

Ask or not

Whether the user can turn it off


Remote assistance or scanning a device code requires a camera to capture a live video

When you use the function for the first time, a pop-up box asks



Remote assistance and help requires a microphone to speak to a person in the field

When you use the function for the first time, a pop-up box asks



When burning restructuring and setting, you need to report the location information to ensure the security of your data

When you use the function for the first time, a pop-up box asks



Some Android system positioning requires Bluetooth to be turned on, and Bluetooth needs to be turned on when connecting to the handheld module

When you use the function for the first time, a pop-up box asks


File storage

When burning or restructuring, you need to save the file to your phone's storage

When you use the function for the first time, a pop-up box asks



When selecting the Wi-Fi module for programming and modification, you need to turn on the Wi-Fi

When you use the function for the first time, a pop-up box asks


Recording audio

The help and remote assist function requires recording permission to help troubleshoot issues

When you use the function for the first time, a pop-up box asks



Needs to be sent through notification

When the iOS client opens the app for the first time, a pop-up will appear asking if it is correct


Wireless data

Requires network requests for APP related function data

The iOS client will ask yes when opening the APP for the first time



Requires parameter configuration files.

Android clients will ask Yes when storing files for the first time


Special instructions for self-start and associated start:

To ensure that users can receive messages pushed by the client normally when the mobile app is in a closed or background running state, the mobile app must use its self-start capability, that is, to wake up the application through broadcasting at a certain frequency through the system or take associated startup actions. This is a necessary function for implementing services on the mobile App When you open a content push message, with your explicit consent, the mobile app will redirect you to open the relevant content; Without your consent, there will be no self-start or associated start.


5. Cancel Account

You may cancel your previously registered account at any time by contacting us using the contact information set out in Section 14.

Canceling your account will affect your normal use of all related apps and services. We hereby kindly remind you that your cancellation of your account will bring a lot of inconvenience to your subsequent use of our services, and after the cancellation of your account, we will stop providing you with services, and your personal information will remain unsearchable, inaccessible, or anonymized, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations. If you log in through a third-party account, you need to contact the third-party to cancel your account.

6. Get a copy of your information

If you would like a copy of your information, you may contact us using the contact details set out in Section 14. If we don't need to invest too much, we will provide you with a copy of the information that complies with legal and regulatory requirements.

7. Contact us

If you are unable to access, correct, or delete your personal information, withdraw your consent, or cancel your account through the above methods, you may contact us through the contact information listed in Section 14. We may need to verify your identity and provide a response or reasonable explanation within 15 business days of verifying your identity.


9. How we process children's personal information

Our services are primarily intended for adults. But if

a) If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should read and agree to this Privacy Policy under the supervision and guidance of your parents or other guardians before using the relevant services.

b) If you are the guardian of a minor under the age of 14, you should read and agree to this Privacy Policy for your ward before using the relevant services.

If we find that we have collected personal information from minors without prior verifiable parental or guardian consent, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible. If a parent or guardian has reason to believe that a minor has submitted personal information to us without their prior consent, please contact us to ensure that such personal information is deleted and that the minor unsubscribes from any services that do not apply.

In addition to the above measures, we will take the following measures to protect the personal information of children under the age of 14 who may be involved:

For the personal information collected from children, in addition to complying with the provisions of this Privacy Policy on personal information, we will also adhere to the principles of legitimate necessity, informed consent, clear purpose, security and lawful use, and strictly follow the requirements of laws and regulations such as the Provisions on the Protection of Children's Personal Information Online for storage, use and disclosure, and will not exceed the period necessary to achieve the purpose of collection and use, after which we will delete or anonymize the children's personal information. We will designate a person to be responsible for the protection of children's personal information. At the same time, you, as a guardian, shall correctly perform your guardianship duties and protect the security of children's personal information.


10. Where your personal information is stored and when it leaves the country

The personal information we collect and generate within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China and will not be exported from the territory of the People's Republic of China and will only be processed within the territory of the People's Republic of China.


11. Scope of non-application of this Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to products and services provided by third parties. Our products and services may include third-party products and services, as well as links to third-party websites. Your information may also be collected when you use these products or services. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take the time to read that third party's personal information protection policy as you would read ours. We are not responsible for how third parties use the personal information they collect from you, and we have no control over their use. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to other websites linked through our Services When you view web pages created by third parties or use applications developed by third parties, these third parties may place their own cookies or web beacons, which are not under our control and their use is not governed by this policy. We will strive to require these subjects to take measures to protect your personal information, and if you find that these web pages created by third parties or applications developed by third parties are at risk, we recommend that you terminate the relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

When you use these specific products (by example only, not exhaustive), the following third-party terms and personal information protection policies apply:

1. Payment: When using third-party payment services such as Alipay and WeChat Pay to complete and receive red envelopes and payment orders on the live streaming platform, you agree that the personal information protection policy of the third-party payment service provider applies to the information you provide on its website.

2. social media (Features): Our website contains some social media features, such as the "Share" button. Social media features are provided by third parties, and your interactions with these features are governed by the personal information protection policies of that third party product.

3. Quick login: You can use a third-party account to log in to our website or app. These services will verify your identity and give you the option of sharing certain personal information with us (such as your name and email address) to pre-fill our user registration forms or link your existing registered accounts. These third-party accounts you use are subject to the corresponding personal information protection policies of the third parties.

4. Use of third-party functions: You may use third-party services through the application provided by us, such as opening, visiting, browsing, retrieving, or registering to log in to video websites, music applications, map applications, and weather query applications. When you use third-party features, you need to comply with the third-party terms of service and personal information protection policies.


12. How this Privacy Policy is Updated

Our Privacy Policy is subject to change. Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy. We will post any changes to this Privacy Policy on this page. For material changes, we will also provide more prominent notices (including, for certain services, we will send notices via email to explain the specific changes to our Privacy Policy). The material changes referred to in this Policy include, but are not limited to:

1. There are significant changes in our service model (such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, and the way in which personal information is used).

2. Significant changes in our ownership structure (e.g., business adjustments, changes in ownership due to bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions).

3. Changes in the main targets of public disclosure of personal information.

4. There are major changes in the rights to participate in the processing of personal information and the way in which they are exercised.

5. When there is a change in the department responsible for handling personal information security, contact information and complaint channels.

6. When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk.


13. Notice of Review and Update of Privacy Policy

1. Consult

a. You can view this Privacy Policy on the registration login page, or on the [Settings] - [About] - [Privacy Policy] page after logging in to your account.

b. Please understand that in order to meet the operational needs, we may develop different versions according to the mobile phone model, system version, mobile client and other factors you use, so when you use a specific version, the corresponding functions may be different from those described in this Privacy Policy, but will not affect the purpose, method and scope of data processing, and the specific available functions are subject to your actual use.


2. Updates and Notices

a. To provide you with better services, our products and services will be updated and changed from time to time, and we will revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. Without your express consent, we will not reduce your rights under the Privacy Policy currently in effect.

b. After this Privacy Policy is updated, we will issue an updated version and remind you of the updated content through a message or other appropriate means, so that you can keep abreast of the latest version of this Privacy Policy.

c. We may also help you better manage your personal information through feature updates, please pay attention to the relevant function descriptions.


14. Contact Us

1. Contact Information

If you have any questions or suggestions about the protection of personal information, you can contact us through the following methods:

a) E-mail: [jinsulei@inovance.com].

b) Customer service telephone: [18606278339].

2. Respond to your requests

For security purposes, you may be required to provide a written request or otherwise prove your identity. In general, we will reply within 15 working days. If you are not satisfied with our reply or believe that our personal information processing has harmed your legitimate rights and interests, you may also file a complaint or report to the regulatory authorities such as cyberspace, telecommunications, public security, and industry and commerce.

We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request. We will respond within 15 working days. If you are not satisfied, you can also contact us to make a complaint through the contact information listed in this section.

In principle, we do not charge a fee for your reasonable request, but we will charge a certain cost fee at our discretion for repeated requests that exceed a reasonable limit. We may reject requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require excessive technical means (e.g., need to develop new systems or fundamentally change current practices), pose a risk to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are highly impractical (e.g., involving information stored on backup tapes).

In the following circumstances, we will not be able to respond to your request in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations:

(1) Related to national security and national defense security.

(2) Where it is related to public safety, public health, or major public interests.

(3) Where it is related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, or enforcement of judgments.

(4) Where it is for the purpose of protecting the life, property, or other major lawful rights and interests of the Personal Data Subject or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.

(5) The personal information involved is disclosed to the public by the personal information subject or guardian on their own.

(6) Your personal information is collected from legally and publicly disclosed information, such as lawful news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels.

(7) Necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract at your request.

(8) Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products and/or services provided, such as discovering and disposing of faults of products and/or services.

(9) It is necessary for legitimate news reporting.

(10) When it is necessary for academic research institutions to carry out statistical or academic research based on the public interest, and when the results of academic research or descriptions are provided to the outside world, the personal information contained in the results is de-identified.

(11) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.


15. Miscellaneous

If any dispute or controversy arises between you and us, it shall first be settled through friendly negotiation, and if the negotiation fails within three months, you agree to submit the dispute or controversy to the people's court with jurisdiction in Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

Note: Due to the differences in the legal and regulatory requirements of different countries and different jurisdictions, if you find that the local language version of the Privacy Policy is different from this Privacy Policy when you use our services in other jurisdictions, please refer to the local language version you see. If you have any questions related to this Privacy Policy or the use of your personal information, please contact the contact details set out on the Legal Notices page specific to your location.